Policies and Guidelines
Op1.03-3 Colors
The school colors for Missouri State University are maroon and white. The system of marks allow for uses on print, electronic/web and apparel applications.
The uses of maroon are acceptable for the following applications:
Spot color — Pantone 505
Four color process — C=0, M=100, Y=65, K=75
Foil — M408Electronic/Web
R=94, G=0, B=9
Hexadecimal 5E0009Apparel
Madeira Thread #1236
Robison-Anton #2376For apparel, no colors other than maroon, white and black can be used in the Bear Head logo, and accompanying wordmark, if applicable.
The light fabric colors of khaki, beige and tan can appear in the white areas of the Bear Head logo when silkscreened on garments. For embroidery, khaki, beige or tan thread may be used in place of white thread.
Line of authority
Responsible administrator and office: Vice President for Marketing and Communications
Contact person in that office: Vice President for Marketing and Communications
Op1.01 Commercial Advertising, Sales, Solicitation and Facilities Usage Policy
Missouri State University recognizes the importance of its campuses as locations for the advertisement of events, products, and services. In order to balance the interests of the university in maintaining a campus environment that is aesthetically pleasing, free from rampant commercial activity, and consistent with the university’s public affairs mission, the university has established this policy detailing the permissible nature in which advertising, sales, solicitations and facilities may be used for commercial purposes.
Note: This policy does not apply to non-commercial expressive activity, which is instead subject to G5.02 Expressive Activity Policy.
1. Advertising on university campus or through university owned and controlled distribution
For the purpose of this policy, advertising is defined as the dissemination of commercial informational or promotional materials regardless of the medium or method. The university retains the exclusive right for promotion of university activities through advertisement and endorsement by commercial enterprises and products. The university reserves the right to prohibit or remove advertising from campus which violates university policy or the procedures adopted pursuant to this policy. Advertisement on campus or in university publications and activity programs does not imply official endorsement by Missouri State University.
- Physical advertisements
The tangible display of advertisements within university facilities or affixed to university structures shall be done in a manner consistent with this policy and the procedures set forth herein. Administration and Finance will coordinate with university facilities that contain bulletin boards designated for the dissemination of information to adopt procedures for the posting of material to such bulletin boards. Such procedures will be content neutral and will be limited to a time, place and manner regulation consistent with university policy and applicable law.
- Bulletin boards
Designated bulletin boards are the primary means for displaying printed material on campus. Bulletin boards in university buildings are reserved for the purpose of notices and other materials related to the programs and goals of the university. While there are numerous open bulletin boards across campus, there are also Departmental Bulletin Boards solely for the use of the designated department. With the exception of the Plaster Student Union, commercial advertisements and publicity may not be displayed on bulletin boards. Only university departments and recognized student, faculty, and staff organizations are authorized to post materials on bulletin boards in university buildings other than the Plaster Student Union.
- Sidewalk chalking
Chalk advertisements by members of the university community are permitted on concrete horizontal sidewalk surfaces only; in areas that can be naturally washed by rain; and are not permitted under building overhangs, on building surfaces, curbs, steps, brick surfaces, planters, benches, or similar locations. Only washable sidewalk chalk may be used. The university reserves the right to wash off any and all chalk advertisements and messages within six (6) hours of any event held.
- Bulletin boards
- Electronic advertisements
The electronic dissemination of advertisements through the university’s electronic resources (e.g. email system, network or other information services infrastructure), shall be done in a manner consistent with this policy and the procedures set forth herein.
- Use of the mainframe computer, web pages or electronic mail resources for paid consulting, for business purposes or for political gain is prohibited.
- Electronic “mass mailings” or the sending of large files through the university’s network for commercial purposes is not permitted.
For additional information regarding the university’s computers and networks, please read the Computer and Information Services Policies.
Non-university businesses, agencies and individuals may advertise their products or events on campus through paid advertisements on The Standard newsstands and in student publications such as The Standard, athletics brochures or similar publications. Such publications have established policies for advertising standards, and inquiries should be made directly with personnel responsible for those publications.
All advertisements must be otherwise consistent with university policy.
2. Commercial sales and solicitations
Except as set forth in this policy, the university prohibits all direct sales, solicitations, and distribution of commercial sales and solicitation materials in university facilities, or on university owned and/or controlled property, as well as all uses of the university for the commercial or promotional purpose of an independent third-party.
As used in this policy, solicitation means the i) attempted sale, lease or rental of any property, product, merchandise, publication, membership, or service, whether for immediate or future delivery; ii) request for any gift or contribution; or iii) the distribution of information in support of the activities described in (i) and (ii).
As used in this policy, sales means the transfer by any person of tangible goods to a purchaser for use or consumption for the exchange of payment or the promise of payment (including in-kind payment).
Except as provided below, all individuals engaged in business for any product, service, or location whatsoever are prohibited from soliciting members of the faculty, staff or student body in any premises owned or controlled by the university, or by any electronic means, except as provided herein.
Plaster Student Union provides for limited space for sales and solicitation; however, such space must be reserved through the event and meeting services office, 417-836-5653.
Events otherwise approved according to the university’s policies that commonly sell merchandise, such as BearFest Village, Tent Theater, approved fundraising activities and camps/conferences may be permitted to do so if approved according to an underlying contract or other arrangements for the event.
- No prohibition for registered student organizations and university departments
The university’s prohibition on solicitation does not apply to registered student organizations, university organization, and university colleges and departments. Registered student organizations, university organization, and university colleges and departments may solicit on campus. All solicitation activities on campus of registered student organizations, university organization, and university colleges and departments must comply with the procedures outlined in this policy. Solicitation activities on behalf of registered student organizations, university organization, and university colleges and departments are acceptable so long as the solicitation activities:
- do not violate or conflict with university policies or local, state or federal law;
- do not conflict with the educational purposes of the university;
- do not negatively impact other university development activities;
- do not infringe upon the university’s trademarks or other intellectual property rights;
- do not disrupt traffic, either vehicular or pedestrian;
- do not result in a breach of university contracts or university-contracted operations;
- do not jeopardize public or individual safety;
- are conducted by members of the student organization, university organization, or university college and department;
- are approved by the Food Services Director if food products are under consideration;
- are facilitated in an approved, designated location;
- are conducted as a fundraiser and not as independent commercial activity;
- are covered by such insurance as may be deemed necessary;
- are related to official university business if facilitated through telephone or electronic communication systems; other solicitations through the university telephone or computer/electronic systems are prohibited;
- are through paid United States Postal Service and delivered to the university, if by mail; or as permitted by the campus mail system.
- Limited commercial solicitations with non-university commercial entities
Registered student organizations, university organization, and university colleges and departments may, pursuant to a written agreement, partner with a non-university commercial entity to engage in product, promotion, advertisement, and engagement on the university campus. Such action must be consistent with this policy and cannot include any direct sales on behalf of the third-party entity.
Prior to any activity described in this section, an appropriate administrator must approve the proposed solicitation activity in writing. The appropriate administrator will vary based on the particular organization submitting the request. The appropriate administrator for a registered student organization is the faculty/staff advisor for that organization and the director of student engagement. The appropriate administrator for a non-academic university department/organization (e.g., The Standard) is the vice president responsible for the department / organization, or designee. The appropriate administrator for an academic department or college is the dean of the college, or designee.
If the non-university commercial entity in which the university student organization, university organization, or university college or department wants to partner with directly competes with a university commercial enterprise, or an enterprise with which the university has entered into a contractual arrangement then an additional level of approval is required. In such case, the vice president for marketing and communications and the vice president for student affairs must both approve prior to the proposed activity. For purposes of this policy, a university commercial enterprise includes, without limitation, the following activities: student housing; campus catering; textbook sales; and university licensed apparel.
The requirements of Section 2 of this policy do not apply to the traditional advertising (e.g. print, radio and television) of the university’s various news and/or publications outlets, including but not limited to: The Standard, OPT -- Ozarks Public Television, KSMU – Ozarks Public Radio and The Black Bear.
- Charitable organizations
The university retains the exclusive right to determine the appropriateness of allowing a charitable solicitation on a case-by-case basis. Inquiries for charitable solicitations can be made through the office of university advancement (417-836-6666). The office of university advancement will then collaborate with the appropriate vice president related to the proposed charitable solicitation. The university acknowledges the appropriateness of solicitations, such as the support of the annual solicitation by the United Way, sponsored by the President’s Office, the frequent blood drives on campus, sponsored by the division of student affairs; the American Cancer Society Relay for Life sponsored by the Student Government Association; and the Denim Day sponsored by the staff senate.
3. Facilities usage
Arrangements for the use of university facilities, including both buildings and grounds consistent with this and other university policies, must be made in advance through event and meeting services office in Plaster Student Union 302, phone 417-836-5653.
For press conferences on university-owned property contact strategic communication in Alumni Center 600, phone 417-836-6397.
Line of authority
Responsible administrator and office: Office of the President
Contact person in that office: Chief of Staff and Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations
Effective date
Approved by Board of Governors: Prior Revisions: May 19, 2006, February 18, 2000, August 3, 2001, November 15, 2002, October 22, 2004, and March 10, 2006<br />Approved by the Missouri State University Board of Governors: September 18, 1998
Presidential approval: July 30, 2018
- Physical advertisements
Copyright, a form of intellectual property law, protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works.
It is not permissible to reproduce copyrighted materials without the written authorization of the copyright holder unless it qualifies under the copyright law’s doctrine of "fair use."
Review the university’s policy on using copyrighted materials
The Missouri State University Board of Governors holds the copyright of still and motion imagery produced by creative services.
The office of strategic communication should utilize images created by the office of creative services to avoid any question of copyright infringement.
Rights-free images are available for non-commercial and news media use.
To ensure permission is provided by members of the campus community, a completed likeness release is required when taking photographs on campus.
The university has music rights through campus BMI and ASCAP licenses. Under those licenses, recordings of musical performances can be posted to university owned and operated websites. However, the ASCAP and BMI campus licenses do not authorize posting music recordings to commercial or other third-party sites such as YouTube, iTunes U, Facebook, etc.
The following are online resources for royalty-free music:
Op1.02-7 Equal Opportunity Publication Policy
Employment/recruiting: Publications, advertisements and websites
Non-discrimination statement
Missouri State University is a community of people with respect for diversity. The University emphasizes the dignity and equality common to all persons and adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy regarding the treatment of individual faculty, staff, and students. In accord with federal law and applicable Missouri statutes, the University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (including ancestry, or any other subcategory of national origin recognized by applicable law), religion, sex (including marital status, family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other subcategory of sex recognized by applicable law), age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other basis protected by applicable law in employment or in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. Sex discrimination encompasses sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, and is strictly prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
This policy shall not be interpreted in a manner as to violate the legal rights of religious organizations or of military organizations associated with the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
The University maintains a grievance procedure incorporating due process available to any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against. Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity employer. Inquiries concerning the complaint/grievance procedure related to discrimination on the basis of a protected class, including sexual harassment and sexual assault, or compliance with federal and state laws and guidelines, should be addressed to the Director, Office for Institutional Compliance, Carrington Hall 205, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65897, Compliance@MissouriState.edu, 417-836-4252.
EO statements for printed or electronic publications regarding employment, i.e. booklets, large brochures, newsletters, most advertisements, etc. (choose one):
- Missouri State University adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (including ancestry, or any other subcategory of national origin recognized by applicable law), religion, sex (including marital status, family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other subcategory of sex recognized by applicable law), age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other basis protected by applicable law in employment or in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. Sex discrimination encompasses sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, and is strictly prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
- Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Institution
EO statements for small printed or electronic publications regarding employment when space is limited, i.e. stationery, small advertisements, one-page brochures, fliers, etc. (choose one):
- Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Institution
- An Equal Opportunity Employer and Institution
The following statement can be added to any of those above:
- To request reasonable accommodations during the employment process, please contact the Deputy Compliance Officer, Carrington Hall 205, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65897, 417-836-6755, or by email at DeputyComplianceOfficer@MissouriState.edu.
Student/recruiting: Publications, advertisements and websites
Non-discrimination statement
Missouri State University is a community of people with respect for diversity. The University emphasizes the dignity and equality common to all persons and adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy regarding the treatment of individual faculty, staff, and students. In accord with federal law and applicable Missouri statutes, the University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (including ancestry, or any other subcategory of national origin recognized by applicable law), religion, sex (including marital status, family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other subcategory of sex recognized by applicable law), age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other basis protected by applicable law in employment or in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. Sex discrimination encompasses sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, and is strictly prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
This policy shall not be interpreted in a manner as to violate the legal rights of religious organizations or of military organizations associated with the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
The University maintains a grievance procedure incorporating due process available to any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against. Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity employer. Inquiries concerning the complaint/grievance procedure related to discrimination on the basis of a protected class, including sexual harassment and sexual assault, or compliance with federal and state laws and guidelines, should be addressed to the Director, Office for Institutional Compliance, Carrington Hall 205, 901 S. National Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65897, Compliance@MissouriState.edu, 417-836-4252.
EO statements for large printed or electronic publications regarding student recruitment or Missouri State University academic programs, i.e. booklets, large brochures, etc. (choose one):
- Missouri State University adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (including ancestry, or any other subcategory of national origin recognized by applicable law), religion, sex (including marital status, family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other subcategory of sex recognized by applicable law), age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other basis protected by applicable law in employment or in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. Sex discrimination encompasses sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, and is strictly prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
- Missouri State University is an equal opportunity employer and institution. We encourage applications from all academically qualified people interested in educational opportunities.
The following statement may be added to either of the EO statements above in printed or electronic publications that focus on student recruitment:
- To request accommodations due to disability please contact the Disability Resource Center, Meyer Library, Suite 111, 901 South National Avenue, Springfield, Missouri 65897, 417-836-4192 (voice), 417-836-6792 (TTY).
EO statements for use in printed or electronic publications of course syllabi, course announcements, class schedules, etc. The Faculty Handbook requires faculty members to issue a written policy statement within the first week of classes summarizing the Non-discrimination Policy and Student Disability Accommodation Policy and Procedures:
- Missouri State University is an equal opportunity employer and institution, and maintains a grievance procedure available to any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against. At all times, it is your right to address inquires or concerns about possible discrimination to the Office for Institutional Compliance, Carrington Hall 205, 417-836-4252. Other types of concerns (i.e., concerns of an academic nature) should be discussed directly with your instructor and can also be brought to the attention of your instructor’s Department Head.
- To request academic accommodations for a disability, contact the Disability Resource Center, Meyer Library, Suite 111, 417-836-4192 or 417-836-6792 (TTY), MissouriState.edu/Disability. Students are required to provide documentation of disability to the Disability Resource Center prior to receiving accommodations.
EO statements for small printed or electronic publications regarding students or student recruitment when space is limited, i.e. stationery, small advertisements, one-page brochures, fliers, etc.:
- Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Institution
- An Equal Opportunity Employer and Institution
Programs/events/services: Publications, advertisements and websites
EO statements for printed or electronic publications regarding Missouri State University programs, events or services, i.e. booklets, large brochures, newsletters, etc.:
- Missouri State University adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (including ancestry, or any other subcategory of national origin recognized by applicable law), religion, sex (including marital status, family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other subcategory of sex recognized by applicable law), age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other basis protected by applicable law in employment or in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. Sex discrimination encompasses sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, and is strictly prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
One of the following options may be added to the EO statement above in printed or electronic publications that invite the public to attend an event on campus, including applications and program announcements, (i.e. camps, recitals, training announcements, etc.). These are usually accompanied by the universal accessibility symbols. Call the Deputy Compliance Officer if assistance is required to accommodate individuals with disabilities:
- Missouri State University provides reasonable accommodation with adequate notice. Please contact (add name and number) at least (insert number) days prior to the program date in order that adequate arrangements are made. (Complete the information in parenthesis as it applies to your activity.)
- Missouri State University provides reasonable accommodation with adequate notice. Please detail any request for reasonable accommodation on the application and submit by (insert the stated due date).
- Missouri State University provides reasonable accommodation upon request. (This statement may appear with the universal symbols for accessibility and hearing amplification systems.)
Letterhead, enclosure slips, and newsletters must also include the following statement (choose one):
- Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Institution
- An Equal Opportunity Employer and Institution
Mixed audiences: Neutral policy statement
All material intended for distribution must include either the first paragraph, in publications where space is an issue, or the entire following statement:
Missouri State University adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (including ancestry, or any other subcategory of national origin recognized by applicable law), religion, sex (including marital status, family status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other subcategory of sex recognized by applicable law), age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other basis protected by applicable law in employment or in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. Sex discrimination encompasses sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, and is strictly prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. This policy shall not be interpreted in a manner as to violate the legal rights of religious organizations or military organizations associated with the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Missouri State University is an equal opportunity employer and institution. Questions concerning compliance with regulations may be directed to the Office for Institutional Compliance, Carrington Hall 205, 901 South National Avenue, Springfield, Missouri 65897, 417-836-4252.
EO statements for small publications when space is limited, i.e. stationery, advertisements, one-page brochures, fliers, etc. (choose one):
- Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Institution
- An Equal Opportunity Employer and Institution
Line of authority
Responsible administrator and office: Chief Compliance Officer, Division of Legal Affairs and Compliance
Contact person in that office: Equal Opportunity Officer
Effective date
February 4, 2025
G3.04 Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property policies include:
- G3.04-1 Assignment of Ownership Rights and Intellectual Property (JVIC)
- G3.04-2 Creation of Intellectual Property Policy
- G3.04-3 Use of Copyrighted Materials for Educational and Research Purposes
Missouri State University operates a full-service digital, offset and quick copy printing facility.
Off-campus, commercial printing of university materials may not be purchased in accordance with the university’s payment and procurement rules and regulations.
Items funded by the State of Missouri must adhere to university guidelines and should be produced through printing and postal services.
Certain types of information have specific disclosure and publishing guidelines, which are outlined in the Privacy Policy. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits sharing certain personally identifiable student information and records without permission from the student.
For this reason, students should give permission before you post their names or images in connection with their work in a public environment. You should document that permission and keep a record of it.
Signage, including design and installation, must follow the campus signage policy. Official campus vehicle signage must follow the vehicle signage policy.
Op12.02-8 Privacy
As an educational institution, Missouri State University encourages its students, faculty, staff and guests to advance learning and understanding through information collection, communication and collaborative teamwork. Missouri State acknowledges that these functions require a certain level of privacy and protection, and it strives to provide a safe and secure information systems environment for the processing of information collected on the university’s information systems.
Policy statement
The university takes reasonable precautions to protect accounts, personal information collected by the university, and personal communications from unauthorized access or disclosure. Except as required by law or authorized by university policy, the university does not share personal information with any third-party. The university may process personal information internally and through external services providers in furtherance of its mission and university normal operations; otherwise, the university will, when reasonably practicable, seek the consent of the subject of personal information before transmitting that information to a third-party for processing. The university does provide information on graduates for use by the Missouri State Alumni Association and Missouri State Foundation so that graduates can receive regular information about their alma mater.
Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the university may disclose “directory information” as defined in FERPA and set forth in the FERPA/Confidentiality of Student Education Records policy.
University websites that collect personal information will only collect information reasonably necessary for the intended purpose, and will where reasonable provide the user with the intended purpose of personal information being collected. University websites that display personal information, such as the My Missouri State website, will only display an individual's personal information after the individual has been authenticated. These sites will also ensure information communication security by using server authentication, encryption and data/message integrity.
If the chief information officer believes a system has been compromised, the university will notify the authorized users and appropriate State authorities as outlined in the Information Security Incident Management policy.
Authorized users should not share their passwords with others. Also, they should close their web browser every time they finish using a web application that requires a password for access and logoff their accounts when they finish using a computer.
University access to electronic information
The university does not routinely seek out, examine, disclose, use or modify the contents of individually assigned accounts, personal communications, records or university computers. The university does reserve the right to view, scan, or otherwise access any file, hardware, software or communication on university computers/systems or transmitted over university networks in the following conditions:
- When information custodians, university auditors, legal counsel or information technology employees access information as part of their employment, and then only to the extent as necessary to perform work activities.
- When the Board of Governors, president, director of internal audit and risk management or applicable vice president/chancellor (or designee if the vice president/chancellor is unavailable) has authorized a review because the university has reasonable cause to believe that an individual may be violating the law or university policy. Any request for a review must follow the appropriate procedures. University employees will not disclose information accessed during a review other than to university administrators and/or proper authorities investigating the matter.
- As permitted by applicable policy or law. For example, the university may be required to disclose public records, including electronic versions such as email, when requested under the Sunshine Law (chapter 610 of the Missouri Revised Statutes). The university may also be required to disclose closed records or personally identifiable educational records to comply with a court order or subpoena.
Electronic information may be quickly deleted or modified. As such, the university will notify an individual about a review/disclosure after the university accesses the individually assigned electronic information.
Additionally, if the university has reason to believe a system security breach has occurred or could occur, the university retains the right to access any university system and, upon evaluation of the situation, shut down any system and/or require its modification to mitigate any perceived risk.
Line of authority
Responsible administrator and office: Chief Information Officer, Information Services
Contact person in that office: Information Security Officer, Information Security
Effective date
Presidential approval: May 21, 2018
In accordance with the university’s Acceptable Use Policy, you must use university resources in an ethical, professional and legal manner.
As per the university’s Web Policy, each website's supervisor is responsible for ensuring all comments are monitored on their website.
Removal of comments
Ensure that comments are appropriate for all audiences. The following are examples of comments that would be subject to deletion:
- Comments that include first and last names, locations or other personal information.
- Comments that include blatant profanity, racist, sexist or derogatory content.
- Comments that are off-topic or spam.
- Comments that contain an inordinate amount of errors or incorrect information or links.
Op1.03-7 Stationery Package
Missouri State University letterhead, envelopes, business cards, note cards, and personalized note pads may be ordered through printing and postal services using the approved designs described in this document. All stationery options are to be printed in maroon (Pantone 505) and black. Exceptions to this policy must be approved through creative services.
Two options are available for the stationery package that includes the use of the Carrington Hall logo for academic and all non-athletics entities, and the Bear Head logo for athletics related offices and programs.
Stationery being produced using funding from the State of Missouri must adhere to the following policies and should be produced through printing and postal services. All Missouri State University stationery must be produced in compliance with the university's Recycled Paper Compliance Policy.
Each order must be placed on a Printing Services Job Order form. For more information, contact printing and postal services.
Also see the Downloadable Templates section, which includes the office memorandum, fax cover sheet, PowerPoint template and a variety of other downloadable templates for use on your computer.
Line of authority
Responsible administrator and office: Vice President for Marketing and Communications
Contact person in that office: Vice President for Marketing and Communications
Op1.03-9 Use "Missouri State University"
To ensure recognition of Missouri State University beyond the surrounding region, first reference of the university’s name should be "Missouri State University" or "Missouri State." Subsequent references may be "Missouri State," "the university," "the institution" or "MSU."
"Missouri State University" or "Missouri State" is the preferred usage of the university’s name, and should be used in instances such as, but not limited to, answering phones, making speeches or presentations, in print publications and on uniforms.
Line of authority
Responsible administrator and office: Vice President for Marketing and Communications
Contact person in that office: Vice President for Marketing and Communications
Op12.02-11 Web
Missouri State University is committed to providing current and accurate information to its students, faculty and staff; and to the citizens of the global community. The university recognizes the use of the internet and the World Wide Web as effective avenues for promoting interactive communications with its constituencies.
Taxpayers, students and others providing funding for Missouri State technology resources expect that these assets will be used and offered equitably. Further, they expect use of these resources to support the university's purpose of developing educated persons and mission of public affairs.
To ensure compliance with these expectations, the university requires users of its information technology resources to follow the web policies. Additionally, this policy is subject to all other information technology policies.
This policy applies to any website that is hosted through university resources or that represents the university or the professional persona of its employees. A website is any collection of content offered through the web, including, but not limited to, traditional sites, blogs and social networking sites.
The director of web strategy and development oversees the organization, design and functionality of the university's website.
Each website has a supervisor, as defined in the following sections. These website supervisors are responsible for all aspects of their websites' development, including the accessibility, maintenance and accuracy of the information. Ultimately, the website supervisors are responsible for ensuring compliance of their websites with this and all other applicable university policies and license agreements.
Except as otherwise provided in applicable university policies or state or federal laws, the university owns the content residing on any university web server or within any official website.
Definition of official websites
Official websites are those sponsored by Missouri State University. This category includes sites stored on the university's central or distributed web servers, sites outsourced to other providers or official university presences through external resources.
Official websites may contain only official Missouri State web content, which helps ensure that the Missouri State search results do not include personal content.
Official websites are divided into four types:
Type Eligibility Supervisor Description Central Web strategy and development or computer services Director of web strategy and development or chief information officer Top-level websites, such as the university homepage or My Missouri State, that consolidate information from several departments University unit Divisions, colleges, departments and other units Administrator of the unit May include general information about the unit, such as programs and services offered, contact information and faculty/staff names Course Missouri State instructors Instructor May include information related to the course or instructor's role at the university, such as course syllabi, assignments, instructor biographies and research Sponsored organization Organizations sponsored by the university President of organization May include information about the organization's role at Missouri State University, such as membership, meeting times and links to external affiliations Definition of unofficial websites
Unofficial websites are those hosted but not sponsored by Missouri State University. Unofficial pages do not constitute official university business or statements, and the university does not endorse or actively monitor the content of these websites. The views expressed on these pages are strictly those of the individual authors or groups. The supervisor bears sole responsibility for the content and maintenance of the website.
Missouri State University does not regulate the contents of these sites except for the guidelines for all websites included below; however, the university will investigate all complaints involving unofficial websites and reserves the right to remove or block material that violates federal or state law or university policy.
Unofficial websites may not be used—explicitly or implicitly—for course delivery or for the delivery of any official Missouri State information. Developers of unofficial websites are encouraged, but not required, to follow the guidelines for official websites.
Unofficial websites are divided into four types:
Type Eligibility Supervisor Description Personal Faculty, staff, students and guests Individual faculty, staff, student or guest May include research, interests and other content from the individual Recognized/bona fide organization Recognized student organizations or bona fide university organizations President of organization May include information about the organization's role at Missouri State University, such as membership, meeting times and links to external affiliations External organization Non-profit, professional or academic organization/committee that's appropriate to the university's overall mission A current Missouri State staff or faculty member, who is also a current member of the external organization May include information about the organization for the public. If an external organization fails to meet eligibility or does not have a valid supervisor, Missouri State will remove the external organization's website from Missouri State equipment. Staging All Missouri State websites, except personal and external organization sites Supervisor of companion website Allow web developers to create and test content on a non-production server. Staging sites may not be used as production sites, for course delivery or referenced within any websites or other publications. Guidelines for all websites
All official and unofficial university websites must adhere to the following content guidelines:
Website supervisors are responsible for ensuring all comments to their websites are monitored and removed as needed. Review the comment guidelines for guidance.
Commercial activity
It is not acceptable to use any official or unofficial university website for commercial activities without an approved exemption from the Chief Information Officer, in consultation with the Vice President for Marketing and Communication. Review the commercial activity policy for details.
Credit card processing
When collecting online payments, university websites must use one of the following approved methods:
- Direct links to storefronts
- Vendor-supplied integrations approved by financial services and computer services
- Custom applications developed and maintained by computer services or web strategy and development
Intellectual property, including works subject to copyright
The university reserves the right to identify copyrightable materials on university-owned resources. The university also investigates reported copyright violations.
Intellectual property, including works subject to copyright, require written consent prior to publication on the web. Providing notice and obtaining consent are the responsibilities of the website supervisor requesting publication. A record of the consent must be maintained as long as the content is online. Consent obtained by electronic means will be considered adequate. Review the web guidelines and use of copyrighted materials for educational and research purposes policies for more information.
University websites must comply with the Privacy Policy to protect accounts and personal information.
Usage of Missouri State seal and logos
Web developers must follow the guidelines set forth in the university brand.
Guidelines for official Websites
All official websites must also comply with these guidelines:
In accordance with the accessibility policy, Missouri State University strives to ensure all users, regardless of disability, can access official university websites. As such, all official university websites must comply with the web accessibility guidelines.
Appropriate use of web space
The university's computing and networking resources are limited, thus official websites may only contain current web content that supports university functions or programs. University web developers may not store personal web pages or non-web files, such as backups, in any space designated for official websites.
Domain names
Official websites must be in the university's official domain: missouristate.edu. Missouri State will not host outside domains, such as those ending in .com or .org, without an approved exemption from the director of web strategy and development.
Supervisors of official websites may request a unique host name, or prefix, for use within the missouristate.edu domain. The resulting addresses would provide a concise method for accessing and publicizing official websites. Examples of addresses using unique host names include ozarkswatch.missouristate.edu and news.missouristate.edu.
Before outsourcing all or part of an official website to an external provider, website supervisors must contact the director of web strategy and development for approval. The director will review design, accessibility, hosting and linking requirements with the website supervisor to develop an appropriate plan of action.
University websites must comply with the Image, Voice or Likeness Release Policy for photography, video and similar content.
Style requirements
Official websites must include the standard university masthead and footer on all pages, unless an exemption is approved by the director of web strategy and development.
Line of authority
Responsible administrator and office: Vice President, Marketing and Communications
Contact person in that office: Director of Web Strategy and Development
Effective date
Presidential approval: January 14, 2019